41 Texas Congressional Candidates sign Family Business Coalition’s Death Tax Repeal Pledge

For Immediate Release:                                                           Contact: Alex Ayers

March 1, 2018                                                  [email protected]

41 Texas Congressional Candidates sign Family Business Coalition’s Death Tax Repeal Pledge

Pledges commit to full and permanent repeal of burdensome tax

WASHINGTON, DC: March 1, 2018:  Today, the Family Business Coalition announced that 41 current Texas Congressional candidates have joined a growing list of supporters in signing the Death Tax Repeal Pledge.

The Death Tax Repeal Pledge has been committing candidates for public office to full and permanent repeal of the death tax for over ten years. Since 2010, hundreds of current members and candidates have made this pledge offering their full support.

In December 2017, President Donald Trump officially signed The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act into legislation, which created new exemptions cutting down on the number of families subjected to the death tax by 65%. However, these exemptions are temporary, as the death tax will return to its’ 2017 level and perhaps worse in 2025, without further Congressional action. The death tax is proven to destroy jobs by targeting family-owned businesses. This pledge commits candidates and elected members to work towards a full repeal of the tax.

“We are thrilled to add to our many champions for death tax repeal. These signees fully support eliminating this economically destructive tax,” said Palmer Schoening, Chairman of the FBC. “No grieving family, rich or poor, should have to sell off land or equipment to pay an additional tax to Uncle Sam. These candidates are committed to protecting America’s family owned businesses and farms.”

Recent Texas signees include:

  1. Senator Ted Cruz (TX-Senate)
  2. Mr. Dan Crenshaw (TX-2)
  3. Mr. Justin Lurie (TX-2)
  4. Mr. David Neiderkorn (TX-3)
  5. Mr. Van Taylor (TX-3)
  6. Mr. John Cooper (TX-4)
  7. Congressman John Ratcliffe (TX-4)
  8. Mr. Danny Campbell (TX-5)
  9. Mr. Lance Gooden (TX-5)
  10. Ms. Bunni Pounds (TX-5)
  11. Mr. Kenneth Sheets (TX-5)
  12. Mr. Kenneth Cope (TX-6)
  13. Mr. Jake Ellzey (TX-6)
  14. Mr. Kevin Harrison (TX-6)
  15. Mr. Troy Ratterree (TX-6)
  16. Mr. Ron Wright (TX-6)
  17. Congressman John Culberson (TX-7)
  18. Paul Myers (TX-11)
  19. Mr. Bill Sargent (TX-14)
  20. Congressman Randy Weber (TX-14)
  21. Mr. Rick Seeberger (TX-16)
  22. Congressman Bill Flores (TX-17)
  23. Mr. Quico Conseco (TX-21)
  24. Mr. Jason Isaac (TX-21)
  25. Ms. Susan Navarez (TX-21)
  26. Mr. William Negley
  27. Mr. Autry Pruitt (TX-21)
  28. Mr. Chip Roy (TX-21)
  29. Mr. Robert Stovall (TX-21)
  30. Mr. Eric Zmrhal (TX-22)
  31. Congressman Kenny Marchant (TX-24)
  32. Congressman Roger Williams (TX-25)
  33. Ms. Veronica Birkenstock (TX-26)
  34. Congressman Michael Burgess (TX-26)
  35. Mr. Jerry Hall (TX-27)
  36. Ms. Carmen Maria Monteil (TX-29)
  37. Mr. Mike Sweeney (TX-31)
  38. Congressman Peter Sessions (TX-32)
  39. Dr. Rey Gonzalez (TX-34)
  40. Mr. SK Alexander (TX-35)
  41. Congressman Brian Babin (TX-36)



A full list of Death Tax Repeal Pledge signees can be found at: www.deathtaxrepealpledge.org.


The Family Business Coalition is a diverse collection of organizations and industry groups united for the common purpose of protecting America’s family businesses across the country. FBC works to implement tax policies that help family businesses of all sizes create jobs and continue to the next generation. They can be reached at (202)-787-1399.



Rand Paul Signs 2016 Death Tax Repeal Pledge

Washington, DC – Senator Rand Paul has signed the Family Business Coalition’s Death Tax Repeal Pledge. The Death Tax Repeal pledge states simply: “I Hereby Pledge to Support Repeal of the Federal Estate Tax.” The pledge is a commitment to the American people that full elimination of the death tax will be a top policy priority for the incoming administration in 2016.

In 2012, every major candidate for the Republican nomination, including Governor Mitt Romney signed the Family Business Coalition’s Death Tax Repeal pledge. Past signers include Republican primary candidates Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Jim Gilmore, Mike Huckabee, Marco Rubio, and Rick Santorum. The pledge has also been signed by nearly 150 Congressional leaders including Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Majority Whip Steve Scalise, Congresswoman Cathy McMorris-Rodgers, Senator John Thune, Democratic Senator Joe Manchin, and many more. The Family Business Coalition expects all serious Presidential primary contenders to sign the pledge again this 2016 election season. Senator Paul first signed the pledge when he ran for the United States Senate in 2010.

In April, the Death Tax Repeal Act became the first death tax repeal bill to pass the House of Representatives in over ten years. The Death Tax Repeal Act, HR 2429, authored by Reps. Kevin Brady (R-TX) and Sanford Bishop (D-GA) passed the House with a bipartisan majority and is currently awaiting consideration in the United States Senate. In a statement of administration policy, President Obama threatened to veto the legislation.

“Senator Paul is a champion death tax repeal and fully supports eliminating this economically destructive tax” said Palmer Schoening, Chairman of the Family Business Coalition. “Senator Paul has taken an important step in showing his support for repeal and this election season we will encourage other candidates to follow his lead. With the support of over 80 diverse organizations and advocacy groups, the Family Business Coalition hopes to keep full repeal of the death tax as a top-tier election issue and achieve permanent elimination of the death tax under the next President.”

A full list of current Death Tax Repeal Pledge signers can be found at: www.deathtaxrepealpledge.org

The Family Business Coalition is a diverse collection of organizations and industry groups united for the common purpose of protecting America’s family businesses across the country. Visit www.familybusinesscoalition.org.



Rick Santorum Signs 2016 Presidential Death Tax Repeal Pledge

Washington, DC – Senator Rick Santorum has signed the Family Business Coalition’s Death Tax Repeal Pledge. The Death Tax Repeal pledge states simply: “I Hereby Pledge to Support Repeal of the Federal Estate Tax.” The pledge is a commitment to the American people that full elimination of the death tax will be a top policy priority for the incoming administration in 2016.

In 2012, every major candidate for the Republican nomination, including Governor Mitt Romney signed the Family Business Coalition’s Death Tax Repeal pledge. Past signers include Republican primary candidates Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio. The pledge has also been signed by nearly 150 Congressional leaders including Speaker John Boehner, Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Majority Whip Steve Scalise, Congresswoman Cathy McMorris-Rodgers, Senator John Thune, Democratic Senator Joe Manchin, and many more. The Family Business Coalition expects all serious Presidential primary contenders to sign the pledge again this 2016 election season.

In April, the Death Tax Repeal Act became the first death tax repeal bill to pass the House of Representatives in over ten years. The Death Tax Repeal Act, HR 1105, authored by Reps. Kevin Brady (R-TX) and Sanford Bishop (D-GA) passed the House with a bipartisan majority and is currently awaiting consideration in the United States Senate. In a statement of administration policy, President Obama threatened to veto the legislation.

“Senator Santorum is a champion for easing the tax burden on family businesses and eliminating the economically destructive death tax” said Palmer Schoening, Chairman of the Family Business Coalition. “Senator Santorum has taken an important step in showing his support for repeal and this election season we will encourage other candidates to follow his lead. With the support of over 80 diverse organizations and advocacy groups, the Family Business Coalition hopes to keep full repeal of the death tax as a top-tier election issue and achieve permanent elimination of the death tax under the next President.”

A full list of current Death Tax Repeal Pledge signers can be found at: www.deathtaxrepealpledge.org

The Family Business Coalition is a diverse collection of organizations and industry groups united for the common purpose of protecting America’s family businesses across the country. Visit www.familybusinesscoalition.org.

Death Tax Repeal Pledge - Senator Rick Santorum

Ted Cruz Signs 2016 Presidential Death Tax Repeal Pledge

Washington, DC – Senator Ted Cruz has signed the Family Business Coalition’s Death Tax Repeal Pledge. The Death Tax Repeal pledge states: “I Hereby Pledge to Support Repeal of the Federal Estate Tax.” The pledge is a commitment to the American people that full elimination of the death tax will be a top policy priority for the incoming administration in 2016.

Senator Cruz first signed the pledge before his election to the Senate in 2012. Senator Cruz is the second announced candidate to sign the pledge this year. After signing the pledge, Senator Cruz stated:

“As a candidate for President, I am proud to sign the Family Business Coalition’s Death Tax Repeal pledge, assuring the American people that from day one I will fight for full and permanent repeal of this cruel and unfair tax. Americans should not spend their lives working, saving, helping to build businesses and create jobs just to see their life’s work stripped away by the IRS – even when they are no longer living. The death tax is one of the most unjust and economically damaging aspects of our shameful tax system. One of my first actions as a Senator was to cosponsor legislation to repeal the death tax. As President, my economic plan will scrap the death tax and replace the entire tax code with a simple, fair, single rate, with a tax return that fits on a postcard. The death of the death tax should include the demise of the corrupt, politicized bureaucracy that is our current IRS. Abolishing the death tax, the tax code, and the IRS will remove a source of injustice, economic burden, and danger to our freedoms. With a new tax system, now free of the death tax, we will clean out the Washington cartel culture, unleash an opportunity economy of jobs and growth, and re-ignite the promise of America.”

In 2012, every major candidate for the Republican nomination, including Governor Mitt Romney signed the Family Business Coalition’s Death Tax Repeal pledge. Past signers include Republican primary candidates Carly Fiorina, Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, and Rick Santorum. The pledge has also been signed by nearly 150 Congressional leaders including Speaker John Boehner, Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Majority Whip Steve Scalise, Congresswoman Cathy McMorris-Rodgers, Senator John Thune, Democratic Senator Joe Manchin, and many more. The Family Business Coalition expects all serious Presidential primary contenders to sign the pledge again this 2016 election season.

In April, the Death Tax Repeal Act became the first death tax repeal bill to pass the House of Representatives in over ten years. The Death Tax Repeal Act, HR 1105, authored by Reps. Kevin Brady (R-TX) and Sanford Bishop (D-GA) passed the House with a bipartisan majority and is currently awaiting consideration in the United States Senate. In a statement of administration policy, President Obama threatened to veto the legislation.

“With the support of over 80 diverse organizations and advocacy groups, the Family Business Coalition plans to keep full repeal of the death tax as a top-tier election issue and achieve permanent elimination of the death tax under the next President” Palmer Schoening, Chairman of the Family Business Coalition said. “No one should have to visit the tax man and the grim reaper in the same day.”

A full list of current Death Tax Repeal Pledge signers can be found at: www.deathtaxrepealpledge.org

The Family Business Coalition is a diverse collection of organizations and industry groups united for the common purpose of protecting America’s family businesses across the country. Visit www.familybusinesscoalition.org.




Marco Rubio First to Sign 2016 Presidential Death Tax Repeal Pledge

Family Business Coalition Announces Launch to 2016 Project

Washington, DC – On Saturday, Senator Marco Rubio became the first declared Presidential candidate to sign the Family Business Coalition’s Death Tax Repeal Pledge. The Death Tax Repeal pledge states simply: “I Hereby Pledge to Support Repeal of the Federal Estate Tax.” The pledge is a commitment to the American people that full elimination of the death tax will be a top policy priority for the incoming administration in 2016.

Senator Rubio’s positive record working for repeal of the death tax includes:

  • Proposing a comprehensive tax reform plan with Senator Mike Lee that ends the death tax;
  • Co-sponsoring legislation to fully repeal the death tax;
  • Voting several times to fully repeal the death tax;
  • Voting several times against legislation to increase the death tax rate.

Senator Rubio first signed the pledge before his election to the Senate in 2010.

His popular tax plan, co-authored with Senator Mike Lee, helps family businesses by lowering individual income tax rates which private businesses pay, providing for full business expensing, and permanently eliminating the death tax. Over the weekend, Senator Rubio stated:

“The death tax is morally wrong and devastates family-owned farms and businesses across the country. I am proud to be the first presidential candidate to sign the Family Business Coalition’s Death Tax Repeal Pledge and will keep fighting until this punitive tax is repealed in full.”

In 2012, every major candidate for the Republican nomination, including Governor Mitt Romney signed the Family Business Coalition’s Death Tax Repeal pledge. Past signers include Republican primary candidates Ted Cruz, Carly Fiorina, Newt Gingrich, Mike Huckabee, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, and Rick Santorum. The pledge has also been signed by nearly 150 Congressional leaders including Speaker John Boehner, Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Majority Whip Steve Scalise, Congresswoman Cathy McMorris-Rodgers, Senator John Thune, Democratic Senator Joe Manchin, and many more. The Family Business Coalition expects all serious Presidential primary contenders to sign the pledge again this 2016 election season.

In April, the Death Tax Repeal Act became the first death tax repeal bill to pass the House of Representatives in over ten years. The Death Tax Repeal Act, HR 2429, authored by Reps. Kevin Brady (R-TX) and Sanford Bishop’s (D-GA) passed the House with a bipartisan majority and is currently awaiting consideration in the United States Senate. In a statement of administration policy, President Obama threatened to veto the legislation.

“Senator Marco Rubio is a champion for easing the tax burden on family businesses and eliminating the economically destructive death tax” said Palmer Schoening, Chairman of the Family Business Coalition. “Senator Rubio has taken an important step in showing his support for repeal and this election season we will encourage other candidates to follow his lead. With the support of over 80 diverse organizations and advocacy groups, the Family Business Coalition hopes to keep full repeal of the death tax as a top-tier election issue and achieve permanent elimination of the death tax under the next President.”

A full list of current Death Tax Repeal Pledge signers can be found at: www.deathtaxrepealpledge.org

The Family Business Coalition is a diverse collection of organizations and industry groups united for the common purpose of protecting America’s family businesses across the country. Visit www.familybusinesscoalition.org.

